Klaas’ Economy Mod – V1.1.4

All right reserved to Klaas . Please do not repost this mod.
Contact: [email protected]
Experimental mod, please save your profile or use a new profile.
Use contact adress for bugs or any suggestions.
I made this mod to avoid the boring situation starting with level 20, when you will have so much income that playing the game will not have the same charm as working in-game weeks to be able to buy a truck.
I was inspired by reality, even if I am not sure about their accuracy.
A minimum of ~0.60$/mile for a jobs is pretty funny considering the default value >10$/mile.
With this mod, you will still be careful with cops even if fines are small, so is the income.
You will be carefull with fuel consumption, and a garage refuel will be more important as you will save money.

– Car crash fine probability set to 0.7
– Red lights fine probability set to 0.7

